I started life as a Red Sox fan. As a native of Rhode Island they were the closest. My uncle took my brother and I to Fenway Park when we were just kids - my first visit to a "real" ball park.

As I got older I sort of switched to the Yankees - after all, they did win the occasional Championship. I remember game 5 of the 1956 World Series - racing home from school to see Don Larsen pitch a perfect game. After I graduated from Nursing School, I worked in NYC - Columbia-Presbyterian. A patient gave me 2 tickets to game 5 of the 1962 World Series. The Yankees beat the Giants - what fun that was

I moved to Michigan in 1966 and immediately loved the Tigers. And two years later they won the World Series

I'm a Tiger fan through and through. But when the Sox won in 2004 I almost went nuts. What a fantastic run of baseball that was. The person I most thought of that night was my Uncle Lester - how happy he would have been when they won.

The Tigers are doing well this year. It's fun to watch our lineup when they are on a role. Poor opposing pitchers - can't figure out who to walk 'cause the next one up is perfectly capable of driving the ball out of the park