Thanks. I'm on my second reformat and reinstall of Win8 upgrade.

The first time AVG found a Trojan horse Agent4.AOLZ. It was stuck in a dll file. I downloaded and ran the AVG Rescue disc(boot disc) at AVG's suggestion as apparently the program couldn't remove it from that file. Safe mode and MWB and SB found nothing.

Burned the disc, ran it....did a command line scan and took HOURS...and found nothing.... (we need a hair-tearing-out icon here!).

Fired up the computer this morning ready to do it all again with Windows Easy Transfer this time. AVG ran its scan and removed TWO of those Agent4.AOLZ Yes, the ones it couldn't remove yesterday...

I reformatted anyway, and am running the reinstall of 8 as I type this.

It's nice to be back...for now!