Hi Percy in beautiful Norway (my mother's home country)! Happy Cat of the Day to you, sweetheart! What a treat, having two (or is it three?) Asian/Oriental representatives as COTD honorees this week; today by way of Norge!

As has been said, you are definitely one purrrfectly precious boy, stunning, actually! I have to say, Percy, whomever was behind the camera is one talented photographer! You're photos are breathtaking...then again, she/he had YOU as her/his subject! And yes, those most certainly are one impressive set of "aero dynamic ears!" Funny thing, some kitties obsession with/love for plastic! My beloved boy Oliver was obsessed with it in any form, and more than once I had to frantically pull a small piece/sliver of plastic wrap from out of his mouth!

I'm so happy for you, Percy, that you found your way to such a wonderful forever home; your humans couldn't have wished for a more beautiful, more loving kitty than you! What a perfect addition you are to your devoted family, Percy, and I hope for you all many, many more happy years of shared loved and companionship!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! I hope you and your Chi siblings are all enjoying a very special day of celebration, being pampered to pieces!
Lots of love, cuddles and kisses to you, precious Percy, our very special and most deserving "top cat!"