Some of my daffodils started blooming 2 wks ago. Others havent bloomed yet.... Little crocuses bloomed several weeks ago and are long gone..... A month ago during a warm spell I saw a bluebird perched on a bluebird box in the yard, I think I'll see more bluebirds soon.... Robins are here... Geese are always flying back and forth here. They stay here year round. They go to a pond nearby and then they go back to wherever and the next day day they do the same thing..... I saw two ducks in the pond perhaps looking for a nesting area.... The bees are out from their hives and have been on most days this winter unless it is very very cold.... Some trees here are budding out..... Frogs are croaking/peeping away at the pond... The yard is mostly green and I was thinking today that it won't be long before I'll be cutting the grass. It's not unusual to mow at the beginning of April. I'll be glad when SPRING really gets here