Quote Originally Posted by pomtzu View Post
What???? No one commenting on the outcome of the election yet? I'm kinda surprised at that.

I'm not surprised at all with the results, however, I thought it would be closer than it was. Like down to recounts closer. One good result tho - Mr Romney said that he is done. No more time spent running for president. We can only hope that he really means it.

Hmmm - since Pres Obama can't run again, does anyone think that Joe Biden will give it a shot?
Well, I hear Hillary Clinton might take a stab at running next time. But I do believe Old Joe has his beady eyes on running too. Perhaps they will team up.

Guess I'll enjoy my little 1.7% increase in Social Security next year. It will be the last for 3 years when they start wanting seniors votes for next election. (and before you all jump on me... that is exactly what happened this last 4 years)