I still can't believe it but I acutally have photos of Taggart as a puppy!! And pictures of his mom!
Ok, to give some back story of how this happened. I responded to a thread created by a dog training group on facebook (this is a dog training group based in the Faroe Islands - where Taggart and I are from). It was just cute post, asking people how their dog reacted to a video of wolves howling. I posted Taggart's reaction (which, btw, was totally oblivious) and didn't think more of it. But then this other person asks me where Taggart was from. I answer that I don't know, I got him as an adult and as far as I know he lived in the capitol city before he ended up with me.
Turns out though, that this guy recognized Taggart because his sister is the owner of Taggart's mother. I gave him my email and he mailed me the photos.
I know it might be a bit silly to get so excited about but I think other dog parents here will probably still understand me

Anyway, here are the pictures

This is Taggart's mom. Her name is Holly. I don't know if she is still alive... I have to ask about that. After all, I got Taggart in 2007 and he already fully grown.

That's Taggart in the middle. Seems his two siblings looked very similar to him.

Taggart as a newborn

And as a young puppy

I love this picture! Just love love LOVE it. There is no question that this is the same face I know and love. He is so CUTE! He's still cute now, of course But you know what I mean. I'm going to print this and frame it. Put it right next to the picture I have of Tiki at 6 weeks.

And then finally there are three phone photos of him as a young dog with his previous owners. I don't know if the owner of his mother knows these people but this is basically where Taggart was rescued from. Like I was told, it's clear his life consisted mainly of a empty back yard and a leash. His name was Luis.