I've been thrown into this all of a sudden, and want to learn more about what the heck I am doing!

Sugar and Lacey have both been sick, different issues, over the past 2 weeks; and neither was responding well to the pharmaceuticals.

Lacey is now doing lots better, she is on chamomile tea and slippery elm, I syringe these in her mouth to help with pain and swelling from a major dental. Allows her to eat right after. This is a short term thing; she will be fine in a few weeks.

Sugar was due to have her nasal polyp removed (yes again, this would be the 4th time in 5 years), and the blood work pre anesthesia found all 3 liver enzymes were very high. The vet put her on antibiotic and denamarin, and started talking about liver disease and possible cancer. This came out of nowhere, and she has NO symptoms of any problem. She is now on milk thistle tincture, milk thistle powder, and SAM-e in addition to what the vet prescribed. I am told to have her blood work done again in 2 to 3 weeks, and we should see a big change. Unfortunately she won't test out "fine" until after the polyp procedure, because she has to be on prednisone to breathe just now, and this is for sure elevating those readings; whether or not it is the only thing, we don't know.

All this happened very quickly on Sunday; I found someone knowledgable, referred to her by several different people, spent 2 hours on the phone with her on Sunday and immediately went out and have done what she advised. Yes, Lacey is doing lots better. For Sugar, won't know for a time. Now I have time to breathe again, I want to get a better foundation in what I am doing.

Any guidance appreciated!