I just want you to know that i KNOW the LOVE of a 20 year old cat. The MOOKERS was 17 (Persian) when one day, i let her out , and when i went to call her in she had VANISHED. That was July 21, 2011. i just knew she was gone, when she didn't answer my call to come in. My heart sunk for i knew she was GONE.
In October, i was blessed to become Muggzy's human, she is a silver point Himmie, and we have figured her age to be about 4 months now. She made "Cat of the DAy Nov. 12 (Go Look!) But i want to tell you, The Mookers felt all of that 17 years as did my husband, who passed away of a stafh infection in 2009. That cat would not leave his sight, and slept with him always. Old Cats Know stuff, so cherish Whiskers.
Love, Muggzy and julia