Okay, Pet Talk is open again - with a couple caveats.

Go ahead and post, but right now "New Posts" will not work. We have disabled the search feature entirely, as we need to rebuild the index for all 2.6 million posts, but cannot do that until we move to the new server, hopefully tomorrow.

So just until then, if you post anythings you really really value, keep a copy for yourself on your own computer.

And yes, you read right - we are having to move to another new server, as the one we moved to over the weekend has a fatal flaw with its drives. Scary, frustrating and because of the holiday, we know we won't get a new machine today, hope to get it tomorrow.

Thanks you all for your patience, please bear with us!

And for now, be leery of attaching anything, wait until we are on a stable server again!