Friday I was driving by the local dumpsters and what did I see? 7 little male puppies. Now I know these are not lost puppies. People around here are ALWAYS dropping off puppies they don't want, like they are trash. They were really skinny and look to be about 6 weeks old. When I fed them they acted like they were used to having to fight each other for their food, like they had never had enough for all of them. That made me really sad. And they were so filthy that when I bathed them I had to shampoo them twice just to get all the dirt off. I had just planned on taking them home, keeping them overnight, and taking them to a shelter the next morning. But the shelter may not have any room for them. The lady told me that I could have them put to sleep but I just couldn't do that, they're just babies. I'm supposed to hear back from them tomorrow or Tuesday to see if they have any room. Buying food for them AND our dogs is expensive and I don't know how long I can do it for, so maybe if they don't have room I can foster them and they can help with the food. I posted a link to pictures of them. I know that they have Red Tick in them since a couple of them look just like Red Tick dogs, but I just can't put a name to the other breed(s) that is in them. Any ideas?