As if Surya doesn't have enough to put up with since he has radial hypoplasia so can't use his front legs, and his retinas are so degenerated he can barely see, his hind legs have developed luxating patellas. During his semi-annual check-up last week I talked to the vet about him not jumping around any more, not even jumping up on the sofa very often, and that he seems to be moving more low to the ground using the wrists of his deformed front legs as paddles (no sores or problems there.) The vet gave a thorough examination of Surya's hind legs and hips and said that though his hips were fine, he could feel his patellas popping in and out of the groove. Surya showed no indication of pain but the vet believes he understands the lack of stability in his legs and so is more careful to move low and slow.

Has anyone else gone through this with a cat? I know it's far more common in dogs.

The vet and I discussed using Metacam and the fact that a number of vets feel it should be used only once as treatment or very short term. However, our experience has been that it hasn't caused any problems in cats we've seen treated so Surya will be on Metacam. I'll give him Cosequin also because it's made a huge difference in a foster cat, Challenge, even though there is no scientific evidence to prove its efficacy. It will be interesting to see if he starts kangaroo jumping around again after some weeks of treatment - though the other cats would rather he stay low and slow I'm sure.

Any suggestions for medications or treatments? I know surgery is possible but the vet didn't even suggest it at this point since there is no pain.