Quote Originally Posted by Edwina's Secretary View Post
Too late for that Bonny...."other idiot politicians already started on early campaigns"?

Tom Huntsman, Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Newt Gingrich, Michelle Bachmann, Rudy Guiliani, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Rick Santorum...

Had three drop out already! Donald Trump, Mike Hukabee and Governor Daniels.

But of course, Ms. Palin isn't campaigning yet. She is just on a "family vacation" in a bus with her name in HUGE LETTERS on the side of it and Fox personalities (I refuse to call them reporters!) on the bus with her.

I guess she just wants to share her tremendous knowledge of US history with her daughter. Maybe she can get Ms. Bachmann to help her - all about the Revolutionary War starting in Concord New Hampshire.

What I find most amusing is these so called "patriots" who get positively orgasmic when they hear the words "founding fathers" don't have a clue about the history they profess to love.
Sounds like they all need to attend summer school & brush up on their history.