Has anyone tried a bark collar that works for dogs who are very tolerant to pain or physical correction? Since moving here barking has become an issue; There are so many loose and barking dogs in the neighborhood that have taught my dogs to bark and fencefight (I always prided myself on never having an issue before, sigh). If I get a complaint I'll lose my business and be fined for owning too many dogs (they'll try to enforce me to get rid of one, I'd have to be sneaky to keep them all).

I don't want a collar that starts at a low setting and gets stronger as they continue to bark; I find dogs learn to pause between barks so it stays at the lowest setting. The last collar I tried was like this (I paid over $300 for it) and it was useless. I have tried three different bark (shock/vibration) collars, and a citronella collar, to no avail. My dogs have a high pain threshold. I was told to get one with long prongs and keep the collar tight -- still doesn't work. I even shaved the throat of one of my dogs, and it still didn't work. I don't want to get one of the ultrasonic boxes because I don't want ALL my dogs to be punished if only one is barking.

On another forum I was told that the Bark Limiter G3 works really well. Does anyone have any experience with this one?

I'm finding it so stressful to live here and so unfair to my dogs. They're confined too much of the time because of the barking; Meanwhiel the dogs across the street go nuts, but those owners have been fined several times and don't have a business on the line. I can't afford to get complaints. I really want to move but it looks like we're here for another 2-3 years.