I'm not certain this is a health issue, but as Brenda is a 15 year old cat and I'm an overprotective 'mother' I'd appreciate any advice you can give. When Brenda goes to drink her front paws jerk/twitch one at a time and at least once each but sometimes more. They jerk enough that she can inadvertently kick nearby objects including the water bowl itself. It doesn't seem to deter her from drinking at all but I hadn't noticed her doing it until recently so it worries me a bit even though she is in good health otherwise. We also moved somewhat recently and so I have wondered if it is something about the change from hard Texas water to softer Oregon water that has her doing this. I've never heard of such an occurrence, but then again not many people I know have moved their cats cross-country. It is also possible that she has been doing it longer (even forever) and I didn't notice because her water was in the bathroom instead of in the same room as me during the 8 months she lived with me before the move to Oregon. I'm usually fairly observant though so I think I probably would have noticed one of the times she happened to be drinking at the same time I was in the bathroom. Thank you for any thoughts and advice you can give - even if it's just to tell me I'm crazy and overprotective and of course there is nothing wrong with her