I have resigned myself to being plus sized. No matter how hard I try, I always end back up in the plus racks. Through much soul-searching, I am ok with this this. I give myself permission to be overweight (this is a huge breakthrough for me)

PROBLEM IS: Plus sized clothing is truly awful. If they are not blah, shapeless frump, they are made for amazonian women. All the clothes are tailored as if you get taller as you get wider. they also love to stick shockingly ugly prints on everything.

Am I the only one who hates their options? I feel like I can't find a look that says "Kim". I want color thats sophisticated (not splashy and garsih). I want flattering cuts (as opposed to great big boxes). I want easy wash and wear. I want fabric cat hair doesn't magnetize itself to (Ok that one is a hard thing to find in any size!)