Hello Trooper!! What a WONDERFUL bird you are! I was so sad to hear your early story, and then so happy with how wonderful your life has changed for the better! Fantastic!! It is so sad that pet stores that know nothing about birds and their needs, would sell birds. It's all about money for them, and they could care less about the bird itself. I have a Jenday Conure (who was the June 1st, 2010 Pet Of The Day) from a petstore last year that I had to rescue as well. I personally cannot thank your wonderful owner enough for bringing you home, and getting you out of that awful pet store! I wish I could shake their hand and thank them! They have a heart of gold, and I am so thankful for them! You sound like such an awesome bird! I have a lovebird that I got from a breeder with a bad foot as well, and he is the sweetest bird! Luckily it is just his one foot with a few toes, and he can perch just fine. He is my oldest bird now, and still the best thing I ever was did was bring him home! Congrats Trooper on being today's Pet Of The Day! You are so deserving of the honor! I hope you and your owner (though you probably think you own them since you're so wonderful ) have a very spcial day together! You're a perfect bird, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!!