Is Olbermann a Commentator or a Newscaster? I dont have a TV so I dont know.

Either way its full on Carp that he be put on unpaid leave for his private actions away from work.

If he was a Newscaster and as such endorsed Republican canidates I can see sacking him. If he was a Newscaster and as such endorsed Democrats I can see sacking him.

If he was a commentator he can endorse anybody he dang well chooses and his bosses can go pound sand. If Olbermann is a commentator I hope he sues for wrongfull termination.

A newscaster is still a private citizen and can donate his/her money and private time however they damn well choose, MSNBC is very out of line for this move. If the higher ups at MSNBC believed in freedom of speech Olbermann would still be at his job.

Grace, do you understand the difference between a commentator and a newscaster?