Help! I'm tired of cleaning up poo off the floor We rescued a BIG batch of feral kittens and kept a few for ourselves We understood litterbox training might take a little while, but it's been a looong while now. There are two that refuse to be consistent; both are about 4 months old. When they were younger, we started out with the bathroom lined with litter boxes and reduced them every few days. When accidents started occuring more often, we wormed them and kept them in the pen a few days. Now, one uses the litter box most of the time, but has occaisional "accidents" in her favorite cubby. The other one The only time I have seen her use the litterbox is either when I put her in it (and make her stay), or when she is in remedial training (small pen + litter box). She will go right beside the litter box, but not in it As I said before, I'm so tired of cleaning up poo. We have many litterboxes (# of cats + 1), big and little ones, and different litter amounts in each. Anything else I can try? Thank you.