One of my Cats, Lucy is OBSESSED with any food. When I got her as a kitten, it was just her and I in my apartment and I could leave food in her bowl and she would just eat a few pebbles at a time whenever she felt hungry. Once I moved in with my fiance and his cat Baby (Lucy was a few months old at this point) who also only ate a few pebbles at a time out of her bowl, Lucy would eat ALL of the food, including Baby's. Eventually we started feeding them small amounts 3-4 times a day, which we are still doing. This keeps her from over eating, but we have to sit next to the bowl and feed her pebble by pebble, at the same time babysitting Baby while she eats so that Lucy doesn't steal her food. It is very time consuming! Lucy will also do things like walk over us in the morning and meow for food, run in circles by the closet door where we keep the food, get into bread and other food on the counter, rip the garbage bag at the top where it sticks out to get in the garbage (we had to invest in a new garbage can and stack books on it), also if you feed them and wipe your hands on your pants she will start licking your pants! She seems to be our problem child, as she also has other behavior issues. She is obsessed with cords, ESPECIALLY white cords, like for an iPod. She will tear them to shreds and we have spent hundreds replacing random power cords. We bought a bitter spray that seems to help a little but we have to conceal all cords in our house as best we can. My fiance has a little less patience than me and threatens to get rid of her, but I can't do that! I don't know if anyone has had this happen to them or has any suggestions on why she's doing this? Any advice is appreciated!