My current problem(s) have me so worried that I don't know what to do except pray.

The Sunday before Labor Day I woke up to a man trying to put an auction sale sign up on the front lawn.

THe sign is from a real estate firm hired by the probate court to sell the both the properties from my mom's estate to settle it.

There is no mortgage on either, she owned both properties free and clear.

Becaus he family split down the middle regarding the estate we decided to let the court take the case and my side would propose a buyout of the other side of the family.

All the prior hearings were just to find out what the estate owed and we didn't have to be there in court.


Because I was trying to keep things separate, I opened a separate email account to get info on what was going on and so much time had passed that
I slacked off opening it up.

I went back to look at the email acct and saw that there was an message from my lawyer asking me if I knew there was a court date, two days before it was supposed to take place.

Because I let my guard down and was stupid the date came and went w/o me knowing about it.

This company gave me 20 days -- an open house this Saturday and the auction on the 25th.

I am so panicked and heartbroken that I just cannot handle it.

I know I should have been more vigilant, but I cannot see how a company could step in and just execute a court order w/o out telling us.

There is one hitch about the paperwork that hearing's missing the case number assigned to the case.

I am hoping-no, I am praying that IT may be a mistake and somehow we are caught in a 'black hole' of paperwork.

I don't even want to know what I have to do should the house be sold.

I just need prayers and hope for some kind of miracle or ?????

The small bright spot is that there is a hearing scheduled for October. But, only god knows what will happen and he is not telling.

Think about me and pray that my stupidity didn't allow this to happen.
