First of all, I would like to show off my new little cousin Marlee And also, I would like to know what you guys think about the pictures. As many of you know, I do photography. This is my first shot at newborn photography, and I tried to do some of those cute poses but Marlee was not very happy about it at all! So I just laid her in a blanket and snapped away. She was a very good little model if I do say so myself I think I did ok for my first time! I eventually would like to open a maternity/newborn studio one day. (Other than my main career I'm going for as a nurse)

Anyways, here's little Marlee

The post processing I did was some touch-up to the skin and adjusted the levels (brightening and contrast). Just basic little stuff. Not very good at that either but I think the less PP you have to do the better photographer you are.