Sure, I've cooled out bareback plenty of times...but yesterday I actually rode bareback for the first time. Ever. It was AMAZING!

So...I went out to the barn at about 3, and I got home at 9 hahah.

I rode Scooter for my lesson. We jumped 2'6" AND got through the combination without any refusals or unintentional dismounts! [thank you everyone who gave me advice - I just kept my leg on and viola, he went over!] Everyone watching said that I rode him very well I'm starting to love that horse again - he's so sweet! Of course...I'm losing "my golden boy" as people at the barn were calling him next week to a rider at six, haha.

ANYWAYS...after my lesson I sat on the mounting block and watched my friend jump "her" horse 3'6". This was amazing because when she started working with him, he would hardly jump 2'!

After that...I watched the 6:00 lesson with my other friend on Twiggy [ugh. hate that horse.] and when she was riding around bareback afterwards, I made some sort of comment about how jealous i was, which lead to my trainer saying I could riding Joey around bareback if I wanted!

Bareback was....interesting. Walking I was fine...but when we picked up the trot [Joey does have extremely bouncy gaits...he's a little pony!] I thought I was gonna slide off the side. I got used to it quickly though and it was so fun! I'm not gonna lie...I was scared to canter hah. But I did, and Joey's canter is amazingly smooth, and I loved it! Joey's such a good pony I luff him.

After the last lesson of the day was over, we went in the indoor arena and jumped courses on foot. I did a 3' course with a 3' oxer..I thought I was going to die hahaha. Everyone else was jumping like 3'6" and 4'...I'm too much of a wimp. mom wasn't there so no new videos/pictures...but...

Here's the pony I rode bareback:

...yeah, I looked a little ridiculous on him bareback haha. But it was totally worth it, even with his REALLY bony spine!

And then here's Scoot!

3' [eww please ignore me! We had a bit of a disagreement on our distance and got in really deep, hahaha]

^^I jumped both of those at their current heights yesterday. On the 3' I didn't think I was gonna get over, cause I leapt from a mile away. Did you know it's possible to refuse on yourself?