Hey everyone! Long time no post!

I have a question...or am in need of some advice. I met my boyfriend in May, and hes got a gorgeous male, orange tabby. Right before I met him (end of april) his cat had surgery to remove a tumor from the heel of his right hind leg. When I first met his cat KiKi, the tumor was gone, this was in May.

The vet that did the surgery said they may not have gotten all of it.

Well, within the last 4 weeks maybe, its back double time. The vet said its too big for them to remove cause there wont be enough skin to sew back over his leg.

The quickness in which it grew back is worrisome, so we are sending out the original sample to find out what we are dealing with here.

Obviously, we have 3 options, try and save the leg which doesnt look feasible (Im afraid we are going to keep slicing and dicing his leg and itll continue to come back). Euthanize or amputate.

His cat is 9 and otherwise healthy. eats, plays, etc.

Im curious if anyone has experience with these fast growing things? Is it likely to pop up elsewhere?

Here is his kitty on my bed....he is staying with me so I can watch him, my bf works all day

Here he is, and here is his leg