Hi everyone. Although I haven't been posting this at all, 5 of my 6 cats have been either having diarrhea,vomiting or both. They've also been having days where they're lethargic and all they want to do is sleep and they refuse food.

I've been feeding them Nature's Variety Instinct dry in the Rabbit and Duck and also a variety of different flavors in the canned. The kittens have been on Natural Balance Green Pea & Chicken and I when I started mixing in some of the Rabbit & Duck dry with it, they started having bad diarrhea. Now that they're back on the Natural Balance they're doing much better stool wise. I was also able to get 1 can of pumpkin from my mom because I couldn't find any in the stores.

The reason I think it's the dry food that's causing them to be sick is because Pearl eats dry exclusively. I was feeding her both the Innove Evo and some of the Instinct Rabbit & Duck because I wanted to convert her to Nature's Variety. I ran out the other day and she ate only the Instinct. She became lethargic and also had diarrhea.

I've haven't heard about any recalls on this food but I tried calling the company and I had to leave a message because they were busy helping others. I also e-mailed them about it. I called the store where I bought it and I can return it without any problems. I'm now just going to be feeding everyone the Natural Balance to see how this goes. I hope that others out there aren't having the same problems and I hope that all of my cats will be able to remain healthy again. Thanks for reading.