Well, maybe to some of you old-timers. Today I rode Scooter, a gelding I used to ride about two years ago. He's the only horse I've ever fallen off of, and I fell off him twice. I stopped riding him because I met Brooke, haha.

Anyways...since I've stopped riding him, he's gone blind in one eye [not exactly sure why]. He's not spooky or anything because of it, but he does tend to bend himself very dramatically so he can see everything with his good eye. Made going to the right interesting, as it's his left eye that's blind and he kept running into the fence before I figured out how to guide him.

I will say, though...this horse is amazing! He's super speedy and ridiculously agile...we got into some TIGHT spots and he jumped out of them quite well, even when one was a 2'6" oxar, haha.

Oh, did I mention we jumped 2'6"? Well, we did! A whole course, and it was amazing. Scooter is REALLY quick, but as long as I didn't lean at the jump, he'll go over anything. From anywhere. Which he did - I stayed tall and we went over EVERY jump! :]

My sister lost interest and left before I jumped, but here are some flatting pictures from my lesson. I look so big!

*sigh* I don't know what's going on here hahaha

I was in the middle of going into my half seat bahaha

I was trying to convince him to walk on the wall instead of bulging out and looking around

And to jog your memory...here I am riding him December 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K26iThCDEg
Those jumps are all 2'3", so just pretend there's another pole there.