We got a call that Dr Kergosien needed to see a part of Jonny's family. I was on the way out the door when I recieved this call. Jonny is doing ok but he will be going thru another surgery tomorrow to remove some teeth. Dr Kergosien said these teeth have been rubbing Jonny's K9's for sometime. He is donating his time for this and asked if Jonny could be fixed in this process. I asked where the funds were and he stated the funds are only going to take care of the anistisa (I may have butchered that). His time was being donated for this. Isn't he great for doing this.
They started treating him for heartworms and the intestinal parasites today. I was told that the Internal Medicine Dr. has donated his time as well. We are currently awaiting word on his part on Jonny's release.
Trish also said a couple of the Dr. there had donated some funds towards Jonny's bills as well. Aren't they just the greatest? LOL Jonny is known as the Legend at the Louisiana Veterinary Referral Center. He is Famous thanks to everyone here. We will update all of you as soon as we get them.

Yes Kevin, all of those wonderful doctors are simply the best, not only because of their amazing skill, their expertise and dedication, but for their generosity!!! Thank you SO much to all of those terrific professionals and caregivers at the hospital! I'm hoping for a successful, uneventful procedure for Jonny tomorrow; so glad to hear as well, that he's already undergoing treatment for his parasites and heartworms! Many EXTRA thanks to Dr. Kergosian for his caring, his compassion and his generosity of spirit, his time, and his care. As a critical care nurse, and one who has worked with Drs. Without Borders, I know so well the priceless impact of such selflessness, how appreciated it is. Please say thank you to him, to everyone there, from us all! And please let us know if more donations are needed; I'm ready!