Just a few photos, scenes around the house.

Willy and Tasha (bed on floor)



Lacey (we don't see cats in this particular cat perch any longer. Lacey and Sugar enjoy it very much!)

Marlin (sofa), Sugar (floor) Tasha (far right) and you can see parts of Willy on the recliner, lower left.

Lacey (perch), Marlin (sofa), Sugar (floor), Tasha (lower left), Willy (recliner, left)

The Ladies! Sugar on the sofa, Tasha and Lacey up on the sofa back

Oh how I WISH the flash had gone off, Tasha has the head tilt, lol

Lazy Sunday morning: Lacey and Willy

Closer look at a very tense Willy, ha haa

Just a few more to share coming up.