Last Wednesday, in the middle of this heatwave, the central a.c. decided to take a dump. Our service guy came out, replaced the capacitor on the blower fan motor, and it was back up and running in no time - until Saturday morning anyway. It's dead again! Called the company back - said it would be a minimum $120 weekend service call, and if it was the blower burned out, we wouldn't be able to get it fixed till Monday. So instead of dumping that money out for probably nothing, we held out for today. Saturday wasn't too bad in the house, since it was cooler and rained most of the day, but Sunday was brutal. It was well over 90 inside the house, and all the fans did was blow hot air around. I was tempted to sleep outside in the hammock last night, but toughed it out in here instead, and it did cool down a little over night. Pups and cats were miserable, along with their humans.
Around 10 this a.m., service guy shows up. It was a different, older guy than last week, and I'm glad it wasn't the same one. I don't think the other one would ever have found the problem. Anyway, this guy takes the cover off the electric works on the inside, and starts testing this and that - couldn't find any reason for the problem at first, and then - success. It seems an insect - maybe about 1/2" long creepy crawly looking thing, decided to sit on the contacts when the unit wasn't running, and when it kicked back on and the contacts tried to close, Mr Bug got mashed between them and interrupted the circuit and shut the fan down.
Holy crap - never heard of such a thing!!! But he pulled the bug out with tweezers, hooked a couple of wires back up, and the old girl is working once again. He said it's not a common problem at all, but it does happen on occasion!
Service call - $79. Pretty darn expensive bug, but at least we have the a.c. again. I text'ed the info to son and DIL and they both had the same response - "you're kidding - right??" Wish I had kept the bug and taped it to the bottom of the bill..........