This is the first time I'm turned on my computer today and came to start this new thread. I see that Casiesmom bumped up the stud tail thread so I will address two issues.

Firstly, his stud tail is almost all cleared up. Nightly washings with hydrogren peroxide have does the job so I stopped it about 3 nights ago. Besides, it was getting to be a chore with my neighbour having to come over to scruff him while I peformed the dasterdly deed. He was really miserable the last couple of times so I figure enough is enough.

Secondly, Merlin had sir jury today. I took him into the vet two weekends ago not only for the stud tail but also because of his bad breath. Well, he had his dental today and two toof extractions, upper right side. As well they shaved his flanks, tummy, sides - anywhere there were matts or knots. **Ahem Richard, that "knots" not "knutz"**

I went to pick him up a couple of hours ago and the vet tech brought him out and he was screaming, hissing and spitting. Sorry, had to put a laugh icon in here because although it was sad to see him that way, I couldn't help but giggle. He was under the influence again.

Within 5 min of coming out of the carrier at home, he jumped in the litterbox and had the biggest pee ever. He peed in the carrier on the way home too. He continues to stumble but he did mange to jump up on the dining room chair where he resides, sleeping it off. Oh, wait a minute, he just jumped off.

We are both very uncomfortable because we have a heat wave going on now with temps in the mid-80's. I know, I know, that's tepid for you Southern folks. I'm about to take a cold shower but I'm sure Merlin is a bit cooler with his exposed "bits".