I came home to check on my kitties today to find that Finae had passed away during the past 4 days while I was gone.

I cannot express how horrible I feel that she has passed away, and that I was not there when she died. She was alone and I was not there for her in her time of need.

I have no idea why she died. She was always healthy, always had good vet checks, and was my meet and greet kitty in my house hold.

When I went to do my "head count" before I was leaving, I pulled out the treats and shook the bag, and everyone came but Finae. Finae ALWAYS comes for treats. I became frantic, and when I found her, she was curled up by my coat closet, looking peaceful. I hope her passing was peaceful, and I hope she had no pain.

Sleep my sweet girl. Mama misses you so terribly much. You were my sweet snuggly girl. My constant companion when I was home, just like a little doggie at my feet.

Play hard at the Bridge. I'll see you there one fine day.