Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all having a nice summer although I do think a lot of us are a little on the H*O*T side!

I haven't posted in quite some time...I'm always short on time this time of year with yard work, trying to be outside more, etc., but this late Spring/Summer has been particularly trying.

I've lost 2 internet friends, my husbands Uncle has been diagnosed with cancer, I lost my Mom on June 11th and then a friend of the family a couple weeks later.

The last 6 days of my Mom's life was terrible, a bedside vigil of her struggling for some unknown to us reason to stay with us although everyone who loved her visited her and told her she could go if she needed to. She was not unconscious but her awareness dwindled each day and she could not talk anymore. Her passing was a blessing. We honored her with a Philadelphia Flyers themed funeral and repass luncheon. May sound disrespectful to some but if you knew my Mom, you know she'd have loved it. My niece, sister and great niece spent as much time with her as we could and we drove the nurses nuts going all over the floor...can you believe we had 3 family members on the same floor of the same hospital at the same time?!? Two of my cousins were in for less serious reasons.

The loss of our friend was much more heartbreaking than my Mom's loss, however. On May 30th I photographed the wedding of the young couple who had struggled for 13 years with their relationship...they had 2 sons, 11 and 7, and finally felt secure and settled enough that they wanted to make everything legal and "real". On June 30th, instead of celebrating their 1 month anniversary, we were at the funeral of the groom. He fell on his job from the roof of a 9 story building.

Between all this stuff and the heat, I've had lapses of not even turning the computer on some days.

I'm starting to feel more back to normal and with the heat keeping me indoors, I have a little spare time to be on-line.

So I wanted to pop in and say hello and let you all know what has been going on and to say I have not forgotten about you all and this forum!