Moggy? Purebred? Either way you're priceless, Bruno! What a stunningly handsome and loving boy you are, no matter your lineage! Having said that, I haven't met a kitty yet who could resist a scrunchie! What a life loving, mischeivous scamp you are! You may be at the bottom of the pecking order, in terms of hierarchy, but there's no denying who's in charge! Bold and beautiful, a most loving furkid and best friend to your doting subjects, and so deserving of the title, Cat of the Day! Congratulations to you on your well earned day of honor, sweetheart! I hope you and the entire furry gang, and your humans of course, enjoyed, are still enjoying, a very happy, extra special, "top cat" day! Lots and lots of love and smoochies to you, beautiful Bruno!