Okay I don't know what to do about this... there is a pack of 10-15 coyotes that have decided to live in the woods behind my house. They have eaten a few cats in the neighborhood and they are getting very rowdy; last night they were right in my cousin/neighbor's backyard, fighting. Daisy totally freaks out over it and barks and howly to go out but there's no way I'm letting her out there... 10 coyotes could easily eat her up and she would the the type to go challenge them. From the way she barks at them, I can tell that if I let her out she'd go fight with them and there's no doubt in my mind that they could and would kill her. So my question is, what are you supposed to do about coyotes when you think they might eat your dog? With my family, there is not always someone to take Daisy out on a leash. We just open the door and let her out, and when she's done her business she jumps on the chair next to my window and we let her in. My aunt suggested killing them but I don't want to do that... however I know if they hurt my baby, I would want them dead. What do I do!?