Quote Originally Posted by katladyd View Post
Oh! I know the theme! This is my favorite show on television! How cute!!!! Are these kitties graceful by any chance?
LOL, actually Derek was quite graceful as he jumped on Cheryl! And Lacey kept squeezing behind the box Damian was sleeping in. You know Lacey, always has to be different! LOL

Quote Originally Posted by krazyaboutkatz View Post
No, I don't know the theme but I can see why you're leaning towards Derek. He's the cute brown tabby and probably reminds you of Taz as a kitten. Hopefully you can get Bruce to go with you tomorrow so he can meet some meezer kittens and some of the others. What would you do if he wanted 3 of them? Good luck.
He does remind me of Taz. Lacey does more because she doesn't have as much white like Cheryl and Derek. But I'm set on a boy. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get him to go with me. But I'm going alone even if he doesn't because I want to see if I can get my name on the adoption list (if I need to).
Oh, and I have no worries about Bruce wanting to bring home 3 of them. No worries at all. LOL But if I am wrong then I would be in kitten heaven!!

Quote Originally Posted by Husky_mom View Post
yay!!.. canīt wait to see pics..

off topic.. seeing again the male kitties I saw one named Ziggy Stardust.. haha.. heīs a senior but the name catched my attention..

Duke stole my heart.. heīs so cute!!..
Isabel, I actually sent Tracey a private message about Ziggy Stardust. But her Ziggy is bi-eyed. The Ziggy Stardust on the arf site REALLY reminds me of my Taz though.
When looking online at the pictures Bruce kept seeing the Meezers and commenting. Then I'd tell him it was a Siamese and he'd say "oh". So I'm hoping he might fall in love with one of them. He asked me about them and I told him they can be vocal. But that some of them aren't like that. It just depends. We shall see what happens tomorrow! I'm so excited!