A cat has been coming into our yard. The first time I saw him, my cat, Cocoa Kitty, was on the porch, and the cat ran away when he saw me.

The cat tends to come around a certain time, so I have been trying to keep them apart for my cat's safety. My cat lives indoors, but gets time in the fenced yard. He can't jump high enough to get out. Once the neighbor cat came unexpectedly, and I heard some aggressive noises.

I have seen the cat a couple times since then, and he runs to be on the other side of the fence to feel safe, but seems interesed in me. I call my cat out when he is around, because I want to supervise their interactions, and think the more times they see each other in a peaceful way, it lessens the chance of aggression if I'm not there to referee.

My question is, my cat will go to the spot where the other cat slid under the fence, and make a soft call. I wonder if that means he likes the other cat, or is he saying stay out of my yard?