
I was just wondering if anyone here has experience with transporting dogs on an airplane (in the cargo hull, since both my dogs are too large to go in the cabin). Was is extremely stressful for your dogs? Bad enough to actually potentially kill a dog?

... I can't get that scenario out of my head. That I'll arrive at my destination. Go to pick up the dogs and then be told that one or both died during the flight. I know it overly stupid to think in a worst case scenario but sometimes I can't help it.

Of course I want to bring my dogs with me. And that's what I am planning to do. But... I dunno. I guess what I'm looking for is reassurance that it is not too selfish of me?

Would it be more humane of me to leave them behind? Find them new homes? I can't stand thinking that... but sometimes I do wonder.
Especially Tiki. She's 12 already. Not that she's that fragile... or at least she doesn't give off that vibe just yet. But still. 12 is old for a dog and the stress could be too much for her.
And Taggart. Well, he'd probably make it physically. But he's sensitive sometimes so it could damage him mentally. He was so fearful when I first got him but he's overcome so much over the years. He's still young however, so if the experience did set him back, I'm sure we could work through it again...

Bah! I'm so worried! Because it's not only one flight which will be necessary but at least two, possibly three !! And one really long flight over the Atlantic. And the mere thought of what might happen to my dogs is enough to send me through a panic.

I'm moving to the US to live later this year and of course I want to bring my dogs with me. I still haven' looked that closely at what's needed to bring the dogs to America. There isn't a set date, so I have plenty of time to figure things out and all.

Today I looked at approved crates, since I figured it would be a good idea to get those as soon as possible and simply start using them already now. Neither of my dogs is used to a crate, so I was thinking of buying those and, when they get accustomed to them, start using them every time I take the dogs in the car. You know, to sort of get them used to being in the crate while traveling. Can't really be compared to the noise and change of pressure and whatnot experienced on a flight, of course. But at least they would be accustomed to being in a crate while it moves from the motion and so on.

Anyone got any other tips or an idea that would help?
Or just a good luck wish..?