This is the second time today that I took Luna to the vet. She vomited a couple of times tonight (first her food, then liquid with grass), and when she vomited again this morning (clear liquid with a lot of grass), I took her to the vet. I was a bit worried because yesterday, I caught her eating a tiny bit of a ficus leaf (usually the ficus is completely ignored by the cats), and I thought she may be vomiting because of that.

My vet thought it was a stomach bug (her belly was soft, no constipation), and gave her an antibiotic and an anti-inflammant, and she also gave me Hill's i/d food. Back at home, Luna started begging for food, and during the morning hours, I gave her two small portions which she kept down. So far, so good.

Then I noticed something horrible: When I saw her walking, it looked strange, her hind legs look kinda wobbly, as if there was a weakness in her legs, especially the left one. Believe me, I felt like my entire world was falling apart that moment!! I watched her for a while and noticed that she was still able to jump onto the table and the cabinet without any problems, she was playing, and she's still begging for food. But her walking is definitely NOT normal, so I took her back to the vet.

The vet saw when I meant, she said it's still a mild form of weakness, and she doesn't think it's a stroke, or thrombosis. The reflexes in her legs were strong, so it's obviously no stroke, or herniated disc, the reflexes of her eyes were also okay, her heart sounded healthy, and her gums were pink. My vet thought the weakness may either be a poor blood circulation as a result of the stomach infection, or in fact a mild toxic reaction. She got a shot to boost her metabolism, it's a herbal med that's given to support the body fighting down infects, or poisoning. I hope it helps.

We're back home now, and right now, Luna is crying in front of the kitchen door because she wants me to open it, she wants to eat. Time for her next portion of Hill's i/d, I guess. I seriously doubt that this is really a stomach bug when she's THAT hungry! But whatever it is, it is strange, and I'm really worried!

Please keep my Luna in your thoughts,