I'll try to make a long story short. Basically, it seems there is always something wrong with my dog Henry. We've taken that poor dog to the vet so many times in the past two years including a couple middle of the night trips to the emergency vet.

Most recently, a couple weeks ago we were in the vets office getting the dog's vaccines and while we were in the waiting room Henry jumped off my husband's lap, landed weird and started crying and limping on his back left leg. The vet took him back and looked at it and didn't see anything majorly wrong, so they gave him an anti-inflammatory shot and sent us on our way.

He was limping for a couple hours but then he started to walk on it again and seemed ok. Over the next couple weeks though, he would occasionally do something weird, start crying, not walk on it for a few minutes...but he always seemed to work it out.

Last night at dinner time he got super excited (as always when he knows food is coming) and slipped on the kitchen floor. He started screaming, limped into his crate and refused to come out and eat We called the vet and got him in there this morning.

The vet poked and pulled at his leg, checked his knee joint, felt his hips and couldn't find anything. They did x-rays...nothing. Basically they just told us to go home with no answers.

It's breaking my heart, he still won't walk on his back leg, he can't jump up on anything and I'm just so frustrated I could cry. I asked the vet if it could be muscle or tendon damage and he just wouldn't give me a straight answer.

Any thoughts on what it could be?