Hey Everyone! I logged in, once I remembered all my info, and saw the Birthday wishes for Corinna. Thank You Very Much! Just a little update on me. I remarried. Added another daughter and son, same ages as our kids by weeks. Clarissa has Charity, who will be 4 in June, The twins, Marie and Robert, which turned 2 in Feb. My step-daughter Sarah, has Carson, who is 6, and Sophie who will be 4 In Sept. My step-son Derek, just had Grady who is 7 weeks. That is a total of 6 grandkids.
As far as Furkids, Lady hads joined Corinna 2 years ago, Dugan has taken residence with a local landscaping firm and is their Top Dog, goes everywhere with them. I see him all the time in Whitefish. He just got shaved last week and looks like he enjoys the new haircut. Tyson is staying with my step-daughter right now. We are going to have to find a home for him soon. If anyone knows of a good place for him, I would appreciate an email or post. I can also be contacted on Facebook under my name. Also have pics of all kids on there.
Trying to get back into woodworking, making puzzles and doing portraits from pictures. Looking forward to checking back in here from time to time. You were a BIG part of Corinna's life. She is very much missed. Thanks for all you have done.

Tim Brubaker - DugansDad