We had a horrible week with Filou. He stopped eating last Sunday and just didn't want any food, he was lying on the radiator and just turned his little head away.
As he had already lost a lot of weight he was so weak and could not even walk properly. When we took him to the vet for fluids in the last weeks he usually vomited on the way in the car- although we drove as slowly as we could. So the vet decided she would come over to give him his fluids. She came Monday evening and was very worried. He survives now 5 (!!!) years with kidney failure and she says his levels are the highest she has ever seen in a living cat. By Monday he started to have diarrhea and she was afarid that was just the last stage of kidney failure- we know it can be his time any time.
But we hoped it could be an infection so she gave him an antibiotic shot as well. Tuesday I came home and his diarrhea had gotten worse and there were dark liquid spots in all of his 3 litterboxes. Trude the vet came back on wednesday and we all were sitting around the table crying as we talked about sending him to Rainbow Bridge before it all got really bad. He was to weak to even climb a knee. She thought it wouldn't make sense to give him another injection.
While we were sitting there - really, really sad- guess who climbed off the radiator and gave some headbumpies to his dad? I said: He heard all this talk and he's not ready yet. So he got his second antibiotic shot and - lo and behold- he wanted some food. There is a special treat here- liver sausage in a tube especially for cats (without any spices or salt) and he ate some.
Next day when I came home he had diminished his kidney dry food.
He is eating little- still thin as a wire- and has taken on his Abyssinain habit of galloping through the living room, climbing us, sitting on our shoulders and just giving us signals that he loves his life.
We are so happy.
We had agreed that we call Trude today and I had to give her the happy news that for this time we will not have to talk about Rainbow Bridge again. She came and gave him the 3rd shot (it is a depot injection and 3 shots are the full cycle). Filou doesn't like to gte shots even at home but when she left he had already come out and said. "Is she gone by now"?
We know it is only a question of time- but this was not the time.
Please send him thoughts for more recovery