My daughter moved back home from college for the summer yesterday. She got everything out of the car first and piled it on the deck. Bud was watching from the sliding door the whole time.

When we finally started taking things inside I said to her be careful, don't let Buddy out he is hanging by the door. I no more than got it out of my mouth and he zoomed out the door and under the deck and disappeared. My heart sank. I NEVER let him out without his leash.

We walked around the house for about 10 minutes and couldn't see or hear him. She said, don't worry, he will be back. Well, I of course started thinking of the other cats on PT that went missing for days and weeks. I was immediately heartbroken. I got the smart idea to get in my vehicle and drive out to the road and come back. The minute I started up my car he popped out from under the deck and Rach grabbed him. Whew!

Happy Ending!