We haven't seen Butter since around 10 pm Monday night. He asked to go out and I let him go.
We are going through all the right efforts to find him and have solicited the help of our neighbors and friends, but if you would, please say a prayer for his safety and that if something has happened to him, he didn't suffer in pain.
Those of you who have been here as long as I have been know the stories of Butter and our mutual understanding that he simply would not be an indoor only cat. He was a stray, semi-feral boy who welcomed the chance to live in our home, but it has always been on his terms. He is probably pushing 15 years in age now, but other than some skin issues, has been in perfect health and has actually been a rather nice boy in his later years. I love him so much and I know many of you have come to love him, too, through the years.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. If anything changes, I will be sure to post here. And for those of you who have been posting on Facebook, thank you so much for your support.