I am sorry to hear this, I know how heartbreaking it is. Our senior baby Sammy was diagnosed at the beginning of March with fibrosarcoma. I was petting his head one Friday morning and felt a bump on his head next to his left year. We took him in next Mon to our regular vet who too a needle aspiration sample and sent it in to the pathology lab. While waiting for the results we scheduled surgery for removal of the mass. The biopsy was sent in as well and it came back as a fibrosarcoma. We took him to an oncologist who recommended removal of the entire ear (internal and external) or radiation.

Sammy is a very sensitive kitty and does not take stress too well. While he was healing from the removal surgery he lost 6oz and was scratching his neck like crazy around the E collar so we he would not take well such a major surgery. The radiation would have to be done in Columbus which is 3 hours away from us. It would be a daily session under anesthesia for three weeks and he would have to be boarded there. He spent 2 years at a shelter before we adopted him 5 years ago and we know he would think we abandoned him.

So we went to a holistic vet who put him on Transfer Factor Plus and Neoplasene (this is homeopathic chemo). He takes this everyday and he has been doing well. Pls pm me if you want more details on these treatments.

Best wishes to you and you baby!