It's been awhile, huh? I'm home for the day so I thought I'd get some pictures of the Hoodlums. Everybody is doing pretty well at the moment.

Micki was hit by a car a month or two ago and had some really deep puncture wounds on his shoulder but has healed up perfectly. It was a scary experience.

Mom has been having some behavioral issues with Jack lately, but he's just bored and I hope things will get better once he gets to spend less time cooped up in the house.

The house is still seems super lonely without Shadow. She's been gone for 2 years now, it's hard to believe.

I'm going to move home for the summer (first one in 3 years!) in about a month so I'm pretty excited to spend more time with the dogs, even if it's just for a few months.

Without further ado, here are some pictures from today!