Hey all,

Been quite busy lately but I can spare a few minutes to post these pictures I took last week when Mercy had her first free run in the house (we always begin in the bathroom, where there are no wires, places to get stuck or not come out from!). They aren't the best quality, and she was a bit nervy so spent a lot of time taking a few steps forward and then several steps back to the corner to hide!

She has such a sweet personality and will cuddle up on your shoulder and go to sleep. She's also a complete pig, she seemed to get a pot belly really quickly at about six weeks old. I've never known that with Flossie or Tia as babies. Fortunately, with some careful diet management, she looks sleek again!

If you saw her baby photos, you can see how much she's faded out in the space of only a month (husky roan rats gradually lose the banding pattern as they age). She'll be white before I know it!