Hi Everyone,

It's been a long time since I have been back on here and talked to anyone. I hope some of you will remember me. I'm sorry that I have been gone so long and thank you to anyone who pm'd me while I was away. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to come on here again. Not because I don't like this place, I LOVE PetTalk, but because of my life. I was just unhappy, and felt so ashamed that I had gotten rid of some animals due to my parents.

Anyways, here I am! I couldn't stay away forever :P Well, alot has happened since I was last on. About a year ago, I moved out of my parents house and moved in with (my boyfriend's at the time) parents, now he is my fiance. I still currently live with his parents and we are getting married on October 2nd this year! It is very exciting!

I am still on terms with my parents and talk with them and see them almost everyday, but I think it worked out better that I moved out. I found out that Bobo lived to be 17 and a half, but he was finally put to sleep and the vet said he had a serious sinus infection, and he had lost alot of weight. I will always miss him more than anything, and he is still a huge part of my life even though he is gone. I have his ashes in a nice wooden box, and an 8x10 picture of him on my wall, as well as many other memorabilia of him.

Away from the sad stuff, I still have a good amount of pets! I still have my 55gallon fish tank which has 6 goldfish in it. My fiance and I have a very cute bunny named Hojo, he is a really nice rabbit. Plus, we have a second 55 gallon that has cichlids, two angelfish, catfish, and a shark in it. And of course I still have the crazy Kalypso!! She doesn't live with me, because his parents don't like cats and litter, so she still lives with my parents, but I get to see her everyday! And come October 2nd, I will get to have her with me forever when we move into our own place. I just can't wait!

Anyways, sorry for the novel everyone. I should probably post some pictures of my current fish and my bunny, and Kalypso lol.

Here is a picture of me and my fiance, his name is Daniel, we were together when I was on here previously, so some of you might remember me being with him.

I can't wait to see all your pets again and know how they are doing!