I worked there for 3 weeks. I hated going each and every day, but I told myself I'd do it because it paid good money. BUT....the pharmacist (who has known my mom for 20 yrs) has got to be one of the most rudest and unthoughtful people. I learned he is VERY rude to his customers, he makes the other employees cry by yelling at them and he brings his dog inside the pharmacy EVERY day and lets it drool and slobber on EVERYTHING and anytime you sit down in a chair dog hair gets ALL over you. I wouldn't normally complain about a dog-I love dogs-we have 8-but I guess it's the fact that it's his dog... He was very rude on several different occasions to me when I think he could have just said it in a nice way. I don't wanna go into detail about the things he said, but every day he had some sarcastic remark about something that I was doing. He wanted me to stay over a few hours one day and I told him I couldn't that I had to be at Chickfila at 4 and he said that he couldn't work around Chickfila's schedule that they would have to work around his. I understand he needed me to work and it would probably be easier for Chickfila if I told them when/what times I could work so I could work at the Pharmacy when he needed me to, but he was also very rude about that and I feel as if he could have been nicer about it; especially since he's known my mother for so long. Anyways after he told me that I called him the next day and thanked him for the job and told him I appreciated it but that I guess I have decided to find me another job. He called my mom later and was very ugly to her about it. I just didn't wanna work there anymore. It had got to where I dreaded going to work because I hated hearing his mouth run 5 hours a day almost every day of the week. I don't think anyone should have to work anywhere if they hate it. I understand some people have jobs that they don't like and they have to deal with it because they have no other choice, but since I did have a choice I decided to quit, so I did. I am right now looking for another job.. I'm gonna continue to work at Chickfila 2-3 nights a week and also find me another job that will very hopefully let me off by 2 ;] So we'll see....