I know I haven't been around much, and I have a lot of catching up to do.

But I thought I'd give a little update.

The biggest change around here is that Innova Evo food is no longer the food of choice. Jasper will be the only one I am going to keep on this food. He has IBD and I do not want to take a chance to upset his tummy.

I am going back to the prescription Royal Canin SO. The reason? Urinary problems have increased in this family. Now HAMLET had to go to the vet for urinary problems and HE had crystals!

So even though Sterling's problem was determined to not be caused by crystals, Jim's was....Hamlet's is....Biddy has urinary problems too and I don't want to have him start blocking up. (Note: Biddy was doing OK on Evo, but he still needs to take medication to lower the PH, maybe we will be able to eliminate that if we go back to the other food)

Other than that, not much is new. No new fosters because I am determined to not take any more in. There are 25 cats here and I will NOT go up higher.
too many fosters that no one wants.

Take care all, I will try to catch up later.