Tomorrow is crew change! My girls know it is time for me to leave. Boo has been restless and wanting in my lap every 5 minutes, stays for about 2 and then wants back up in a few minutes. Goodness, I just hate leaving them! I am coming to hate it more and more, every time it gets harder and harder.. At least we will be back on our 4 week schedule again...

The boat is going to be all the way up which is going to make for a long ride in the car. I may have to leave today, I am waiting to hear from my Captain. They are cracking down on the travel time in the cars that the Captain and pilots can have and then having to get on the boat and go right to work which is requiring some to have to go up the day before crew change so they can be rested when going on watch.. If I don't leave today, I will have to leave home BY 3 am.. so he can have some down time before going on watch.

This could be good bye so take care of your fur kids and keep things going until I get back!