It has been a few weeks since I last posted on PT. Sorry about that.

Horace Lucky came to me about four months ago. The poor guy was skinny and emaciated, but in very good spirits, which have not diminished since arriving to Willow Oak.

Just a couple of days ago, Sasha showed herself at my back door. I live in a pretty rural area, so from whence she arrived is a puzzle to me; but it quickly became apparent to me that she is not alone. I took her to the vet for a checkup, and it appears that she is 4 weeks "with child." Wonderful! I only have about 14 of the feline variety already.

In the above picture, Sasha has newly arrived. She is not confined behind the bars -- I placed a cage for her so that she can hide, but ...

... she quickly showed that she is not shy.

...sorry about that. Sasha moves about so fast that I have a difficult time getting her to slow down for a picture.